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Field Crops

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Vegetable Garden

Vegetable Crop Rotation Tips

If you have a vegetable garden or otherwise grow annual plants, a one-time proven cultural method for preventing disease …

Cover photo for Bollworm Boom or Bust in 2021?

Bollworm Boom or Bust in 2021?

As we near early August, cotton growers should be shifting their focus from early-season insects to late-season pests that …

Cover photo for Reducing Aflatoxin in Grain Corn

Reducing Aflatoxin in Grain Corn

Aflatoxins are a type of mycotoxin that is produced by Aspergillus flavus which has a worldwide impact on human …

Recent Publications related to Field Crops

Farm Tenancy: Allocating Annual Rent in Sale Transaction

Though there are no hard survey numbers to demonstrate, anecdotally a majority of rented farmland …

Bipalium kewense, a large, brown, striped hammerhead flatworm

Terrestrial Flatworms, Land Planarians & Hammerhead Worms

This factsheet offers information on the identification and management of various flatworms that may be …

cover images: photo of ear of corn, farmer harvesting corn and farmer in field looking at sugar cane growing

Ethanol: A Gasoline Alternative for North Carolina

Ethanol is an alternative fuel source that can be produced domestically from renewable materials. Learn …

5 days ago
Black and white photo of pump

Pumping Plant Performance

This publication discusses the causes of poor irrigation system performance. Some of these causes can …

1 week ago
Illustration shows cylinder with labels for inside diameter and height.

Calibrating Soil-Water Measuring Devices

This publication provides a step-by-step description of how to use the gravimetric method to calibrate …

1 week ago
Photo of different indicators of sulfur deficiency in plants.

Sulfur Fertilization of North Carolina Crops

Adequate sulfur is necessary for crops, but there’s no one-size-fits-all recommendation for application in North …

1 week agoSoilFacts


This pesticide factsheet covers the use and characteristics of the herbicide, glyphosate.

Chart showing stages of wheat from seedling to flowering

Adaptive Wheat Management: Increasing Wheat Yield by Adjusting for Weather Conditions

Variable growing environments for wheat can lead to challenges from one season to another. Adaptive …

2 weeks ago