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Extension Master Gardener℠ Volunteers

Since 1979, North Carolina Extension Master Gardener℠ Volunteers (EMGVs) have been leaders in this internationally acclaimed program, guiding homeowners in making environmentally sound decisions in their landscapes. Trained by North Carolina State University faculty and staff, EMGVs provide research-based information about gardening and environmental stewardship to individuals and communities across the state. EMGVs engage the community through education and outreach on a wide variety of subjects and through a broad spectrum of projects, all designed to maximize their impact.

Rutabaga in the ground

Start Your Cool Season Crops

As with summer flowers, some of the summer vegetables may still be growing and producing really well. As the …

Crepe Myrtle branches

Low Potassium and Tree Care

I’ve noticed a lot of trees this year, even crepe myrtles, either have a thinning canopy, smaller leaves, or …

Carpenter Bee

Pollinators Need Your Help Now

Have you wondered if the number of bees and butterflies is dwindling? Would you like to find out for …

photo of foliage, thick stems rooting at the nodes with subteranean flowers photo credit: J C Neal

Have You Seen Tropical Spiderwort?

Tropical spiderwort (Commelina benghalensis), a noxious weed, has been found in several landscape beds in Raleigh. See a fact …

Cover photo for Wasps at Porch Lights

Wasps at Porch Lights

In recent weeks we’ve been getting a lot of messages regarding large wasps coming to porch lights. In all …