Start Your Cool Season Crops
As with summer flowers, some of the summer vegetables may still be growing and producing really well. As the …
Please email or call ahead for assistance. We look forward to hearing from you about your needs and concerns in Carteret County.
Since 1979, North Carolina Extension Master Gardener℠ Volunteers (EMGVs) have been leaders in this internationally acclaimed program, guiding homeowners in making environmentally sound decisions in their landscapes. Trained by North Carolina State University faculty and staff, EMGVs provide research-based information about gardening and environmental stewardship to individuals and communities across the state. EMGVs engage the community through education and outreach on a wide variety of subjects and through a broad spectrum of projects, all designed to maximize their impact.
As with summer flowers, some of the summer vegetables may still be growing and producing really well. As the …
This is the month when lawns start to go dormant for the winter. They will slow down in their …
I’ve noticed a lot of trees this year, even crepe myrtles, either have a thinning canopy, smaller leaves, or …
The heat of the summer is when lawns do their best growing. When grasses are growing fast, like they …
The days are beginning to get shorter. The temperatures should start cooling off a bit, at least that’s what …
Have you wondered if the number of bees and butterflies is dwindling? Would you like to find out for …
Join us at the Western Carteret Library Branch in Cape Carteret as Shawn Banks, Horticulture Agent and County Extension …
While it may still be hot outside, it’s time to plant the fall vegetable garden. Don’t delay. Plant now, …
The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) is asking people to check their trees …
On Monday, July 22nd, at 5:30 p.m., come learn how to enhance habitats for birds, butterflies and bees through …
I have seen a lot of trees in the area that are looking very thin in the top of …
I can’t think of any reason a lawn can’t take care of itself for a few days if there …
Consider giving one of our Therapeutic Horticulture online classes as a holiday gift! Great opportunity for those interested in working …
European pepper moth (Duponchelia fovealis) is a major, yet largely unrecognized, pest of nursery and greenhouse crops. This exotic …
Tropical spiderwort (Commelina benghalensis), a noxious weed, has been found in several landscape beds in Raleigh. See a fact …
In recent weeks we’ve been getting a lot of messages regarding large wasps coming to porch lights. In all …
Although we were spared much of the brunt of Tropical Storm Elsa, parts of North Carolina were still pummeled …