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Photo by Tom Glasgow shows a venus flytrap, butterwort, parrot pitcher plant and sundews growing in the same small area. The sundews are a little harder to see, but they're in the bottom of the photo, slightly to the left of center. This would be early to mid May; the butterworts flower before the flytraps.

Native Plants Week

Hey everyone, I found out late on Monday that Governor Roy Cooper has signed a proclamation making this week …

Keep the Repellent Handy

Although hurricane Dorian has come and gone for most of us, its rainfall has likely left standing water in …

White flowers, s stem with magenta streaks and several compound leaves of the water hemlock plant

NOT Giant Hogweed!

Recently there was a webinar on invasive plants in North Carolina. One of the plants highlighted was Giant Hogweed. …

Cicada killer wasp on foliage

Cicada Killer Wasps

Cicada killer wasps are starting to emerge. This picture was taken on Friday in a landscaped area outside the …

Hundreds of midges resting on the window of a home

Non-Biting Midges Emerging

Chironomid midges (“fuzzy bills”) are emerging in large numbers from ponds, lakes as well as the rivers feeding into …

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    Recent Publications related to Lawn & Garden

    Nutrients are available based on soil pH.

    A Gardener's Guide to Soil Testing

    This publication tells gardeners why they should test their soil, how to obtain a soil …

    14 hours ago
    Bipalium kewense, a large, brown, striped hammerhead flatworm

    Terrestrial Flatworms, Land Planarians & Hammerhead Worms

    This factsheet offers information on the identification and management of various flatworms that may be …

    Leaf and sheath blight, a.ka. mini ring, on an ultradwarf bermud

    Leaf and Sheath Blight in Turf

    This factsheet summarizes the characteristics of leaf and sheath spot in turf.

    1 week agoTurfFiles

    The Bees of North Carolina: An Identification Guide

    Identifying bees on the wing is known to be tricky. The Bees of North Carolina: …

    1 week ago


    This pesticide factsheet covers the use and characteristics of the herbicide, glyphosate.

    Photo of Sycamore displaying scorch symptoms.

    Scorch Diseases on Shade Trees

    This factsheet provides general information about scorch or marginal burning on leaves of shade trees.

    chrysanthemum lace bug

    Chrysanthemum Lace Bug

    This factsheet describes the biology of the chrysanthemum lace bug, Corythuca marmorata, and provides residential …

    2 weeks agoPDIC Factsheets

    Guide to Deciding When to Start and Stop Irrigation for Frost Protection of Fruit Crops

    The decisions of when to turn an irrigation system on and off for frost protection …