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Lawn & Garden

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    Recent Publications related to Lawn & Garden

    A ripe strawberry on the vine.

    Growing Strawberries in Childcare Center Gardens

    Strawberries are the perfect fruit for early childcare centers. Their life cycle is short (planted …

    Caladiums for the Home Landscape

    Caladiums are grown for their long-lasting, colorful foliage. Color combinations include various shades of red, …

    Asparagus shoots

    Growing Asparagus in a Home Garden

    Asparagus has been considered a garden delicacy since Roman times. Any home gardener can grow …

    Frost/Freeze Protection for Horticultural Crops

    Effective frost protection methods exist, however, each year, a portion of the state's fruit and …

    chrysanthemum lace bug with typical markings

    Chrysanthemum Lace Bug

    This factsheet describes the biology of the chrysanthemum lace bug, Corythuca marmorata, and provides residential …

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    Nutrients are available based on soil pH.

    A Gardener's Guide to Soil Testing

    This publication tells gardeners why they should test their soil, how to obtain a soil …

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    Bipalium kewense, a large, brown, striped hammerhead flatworm

    Terrestrial Flatworms, Land Planarians & Hammerhead Worms

    This factsheet offers information on the identification and management of various flatworms that may be …

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    Leaf and Sheath Blight in Turf

    This factsheet summarizes the characteristics of leaf and sheath spot in turf.

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